
Sacred Stitchers:  Janet Byrnes 

Formerly known as the Prayer Shawl ministry at the Church of the Epiphany, this group consists of four women who knit and crochet shawls for those in need of spiritual uplifting.  While making the shawls, prayers are being said for healing for the potential receiver of the shawl.  This ministry also makes baby blankets, toddler crib-sized blankets, pocket prayer shawls and most recently, blankets and hats for the still-borns at Danbury Hospital.  The group considers it a blessing, as knitters, to be able to do this.  As they say, "Knitting is a prayer and craft in spiritual practice."


Music Committee:  Rusty Brockmann

The music committee chooses service music and special music to celebrate the various liturgical seasons.  The newly formed Concert Series was a result of this committee's planning and execution.  In addition, the committee is exploring ideas such as featuring local music groups, a candlelit "Lessons and Carols" service for the holiday season and individual recitals.  Started during the pandemic, the music committee continues to share musical presentations from Trinity Church Wall Street and others through email.

Prayer Chain:  Janet Byrnes

This ministry is an active group of nine people who pray each day for those who are in need of prayers for healing of the body, mind or spirit.  Requests can be submitted to Fr. Marston, any member of the prayer chain, or in writing on the card found in the pews, by dropping them in the collection plate.  The names are kept on the list for a month unless requested to stay on longer.

Sandwich Brigade:  Darlene Lahoud

The Sandwich Brigade consists of a small group of volunteers that meet several times a year depending on the needs of Dorothy Day, a homeless feeding facility located in Danbury, CT.  Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month to make approximately 175 sandwiches.  The sandwiches are ham and cheese, placed two in a bag and given to the people to take for dinner after having a hot lunch at Dorothy Day.  Volunteers are always welcome!

Card Ministry:  Vicki Braucci

Approximately 150 cards are mailed each year.  Some wish happy birthday and others are for wedding anniversaries.  Some are sent in memory of our treasured friends, each of whom we sadly miss.  Still more are sent to members who are unable to join us at our services.  We hope these simple cards and their messages will provide a blessing to their recipients, letting them know that they are cherished and not forgotten.

Fundraising (Fun-Raising) Ministry:  Judy Passeck

Some of our many successful fundraisers include Chili/Lenten Soup, Corned Beef Dinner, BBQ, Thanksgiving Pie Sale, and of course our annual Cookie Walk.  We are very grateful to all who put forth their time, talents, hard work and donations to raise money for our church!

Altar Guild:  Linda Kelley

Our Altar Guild consists of a dedicated group of women who are responsible for preparing the Lord's Table for Communion each Sunday.  The linens, candles, flowers, chalice and more always look perfect because of their hard work each week setting up and cleaning up.


Flower Ministry:  Pam Price & Karen Samels

The flower ministry provides arrangements for Sunday services through Petal Perfection, where Lou and Michelle use their creativity in executing our requests so beautifully.  The abundance of flowers has allowed us to send out two to three arrangements per week, a much appreciated form of outreach.